What You Really Need On Your Baby Registry – Lil’ One Photography’s Essential Guide

December 21, 2023

This is the first blog post in our Lil’ One Newborn Need-to-Know Series and we’re kicking it off with a topic that new moms everywhere will appreciate. What do you really need to include on your baby registry?

First and foremost, congratulations, expecting parents! As you eagerly prepare for the arrival of your little one, creating the perfect baby registry is an exciting yet sometimes overwhelming task.

At Lil’ One Photography, we understand the importance of getting it just right. Plus, we’re moms ourselves! Here’s our curated list of essentials that you need to include on your registry.

Diapers and More Diapers

Moms unanimously agree – you can never have too many diapers. Whether you opt for disposable or cloth, having a stockpile will save you countless late-night dashes to the store. Don’t forget wipes, diaper rash cream, and a stylish diaper bag to carry all your essentials.

Comfortable Sleep Solutions

Quality sleep is a precious commodity for both you and your baby. Consider a cozy crib or bassinet, along with soft, breathable bedding. Swaddle blankets, sleep sacks, and a soothing sound machine can help create a serene sleep environment for your little one. We also highly recommend a white noise machine to help lull baby to sleep.

Practical Clothing Choices

We can’t emphasize the importance of comfortable and practical baby clothes enough. Onesies with snap closures, stretchy pants, and easy-access outfits make diaper changes a breeze. And don’t forget those adorable hats and mittens to keep your newborn snug and stylish.

Feeding Essentials

Whether you choose to breastfeed or formula-feed, having the right supplies is crucial. We recommend a quality breast pump, bottles, a sterilizer, and a comfortable nursing pillow. A comfortable nursing chair or rocker will help keep you cozy during those late night feedings. Stock up on bibs and burp cloths too – you’ll thank yourself later.

Car Seat and Stroller Combo

Safety first! A reliable car seat and stroller combo is a must-have for every parent on the go. We love the convenience of a travel system that seamlessly transitions from car to stroller, making outings a breeze.

Nursery Must-Haves

Create a cozy haven for your little one with nursery essentials. A changing table, a comfortable glider or rocking chair (as noted above), and adequate storage for baby clothes and accessories are key. Personalize the space with cute décor and consider blackout curtains for those daytime naps.

Essential Health Supplies

Keep your baby safe and healthy with a well-stocked medicine cabinet. Thermometers, baby-friendly nail clippers, a nasal aspirator, and a first aid kit will come in handy. We also recommend a baby monitor with video capabilities for extra peace of mind!

Capturing Precious Moments

OK, so it’s not the first thought when it comes to a newborn registry…but you can’t forget the importance of preserving those precious moments with professional newborn photography. Consider adding a Lil’ One Photography session to your registry – our expert photographers specialize in capturing the timeless beauty of your newborn’s early days. Connect with us to learn more about this offering. 

Creating your baby registry should be a joyous experience, and these recommendations from real moms are designed to make it a little easier. Remember, every family is unique, so feel free to tailor your registry to suit your lifestyle.

Lil’ One Photography is here to help you cherish every moment, from baby showers to first birthdays and beyond.

Happy parenting!